Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Marvelous Polish and a Light Speed Concept

This week in class we talked about how we could use the environments that i worked on last week to make a more dynamic environment. We thought about playing with the perspective of the backgrounds to make it look like the player is going around the city while keeping it in a 2D plane, this is a very interesting art style called glide perspective sadly there aren't many references and the only good example i have been able to find wasn't very helpful. Another concern we had was that we didn't know how glide perspective would work with the 3D platforms in which the players are fighting on. Speaking of the 3D environments, junior Taber Noble has agreed to help us out with the 3D platforms for the city scape this is a very exciting development as we were all dreading on having to work on 3D environments, Cheers!
So back to the topic, with 3D environment art taken care of we still have to figure out how the 2D backgrounds will work, we decided that we would separate the stage into three comic book panels, each panel will feature a different part of the city and they will be separated by destructible gutters which the characters will be able to punch, kick, and fly through in real time throughout the battle. Possible ideas for the background on each panel would feature different districts which would be represented by class for example the rich districts would be represented with skyscrapers, the middle class could be located around the water and have bridges and docs themes, and the lower class district could be represented with slums and not so tall architecture in the distance.
Sadly concept art for these is not available yet but at least we have a concrete idea of the goal which we want to achieve. You might be asking yourself, Why is there no concept art for these backgrounds? great question! backgrounds are without a doubt an important part of the game and a requirement for green light however in the grand scheme of things the characters are a bigger more important part which undoubtedly will be more time consuming and as such we wanted to get Major Marvelous finalized and a concrete Light-Speed Lass concept ready for her to start being modeled.

Starting with Major marvelous Tristan needed a concrete idea of the parts of the costume/armor to finish up MM, now part of the process of creating characters in the professional world is a back and forth between the concept artist and the 3D artist so what i focused on this week for Major Marvelous was to do a paint over in order to define the forms, and textures of what the costume will look like.

After doing the paint over i decided that there was something odd about him. I figured out that the pants were the reason so i updated them.
I felt like the blue pants unified the costume much better and the team agrees, so after a slight change in the armor and the colors we now have our finished MM concept, HOORRAYY!!!

Last but not least my other focus this week was Light-Speed Lass. First lets recap on the previous concepts

  i took the colors of the most successful option that we had before and updated it with some of the things the team want which include a light armored look, streamline design, segmented costume. Since her suit acts as a space suit as well as her defining super hero costume i wanted to give her a shiny futuristic look.
I tried to give her different pieces on her armored suit to break simetry and keep the design interesting however i wasn't too sure on what to do with her helmet so for now lets disregard the face as i need to consult with the team about what worked best on the earlier concepts and what could work given the new direction.

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