This week the focus was on getting the concepting phaze finalized for the last two characters. Banisher and Chain have come a long way and it was time to do some paint overs to finalize some details that were eluding us. Tristan gave me his 3D models to paint over and put the doubts to sleep.
Banisher didn't change much form the original concept all i did was add some details for his trench coat that would help solidify the design and at the same time help solve the problem of the cloth physics which will be applied to only the bottom half of the model, hence the detail on the waist to hide the seams.
Chain underwent more of a transformations as the concept evolved from the primary sketch to 3D, he now has an orange armor like tactical vest with some cool pouches, because who doesn't need more pouches? I am also hoping that the robot arm will be followed closer to the concept than what tristan had made but that remains to be seen. Other than that i think we are on a very good track with these two characters and we will hopefully see them in game in the very near future.
Another big concern we have been having is the 3D environment assets where the players will be fighting. We know that light speed's stage is going to be in space on top of a ship or space station so i created a mock up of what the stage as well as the 3D assets would look like.
Going off of that rough mock up i created a set of environmental pieces that can be used modularly to create platforms for the players to play on. The pieces are very simple as we don't really have environments artists or time to make really detailed platforms, i am also hoping that some of these pieces can be re used for Banisher's cave which is the equivalent of the bat cave and is sure to have some kind of crazy technology incorporated into it.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Monday, March 11, 2013
A new Character and an overview of the universe
Spring break came and went and with it the time to get back to work. The week before break i started concepting the last character Chain. The idea behind Chain was that he is the spiritual equivalent of Cable from the Marvel Universe. I really like Cable as a character and i wanted Chain to embody that same kind of style, in the back story Chain is a soldier from the future with special teleportation powers, he has a robotic arm and eye. I looked at references from similar characters besides Cable, i looked at the Winter Soldier, iron man, and the auto mail from Full metal alchemist to get a feel of what Chain could look like.

I personally really like the look and feel of the auto mail for the first iteration I tried to combine the automail with elements from the iron man armor I also based it heavily on cable as that was my first inclination for this character. For the second iteration I veered off and experimented with his robotic arm as well as played around with the kind of clothes a future soldier could wear. His back story mentioned that he had a robotic eye so i gave him a more mechanical visor to represent that and i also changed up his hair style to a mohawk. For the last iteration i decided to take it a step further on the whole future soldier thing, I gave him a much more futuristic looking armor and no hair. To my discontent this one turned out looking like Lex Luthor however there are some good elements to it which im sure I will pull form for the final concept after the team meets on Tuesday.
Lastly putting the characters aside I started working on concepting the background for Light speed Lass' stage. We decided that the platform themselves will be part of a ship so i thought it would be a good idea if we could get a zoomed out aerial view of Seagull city in the distance. Then I thought since they are supposed to be on the ship then it would make sense for them to be in Space. I made another concept of what the background could look like if they were inside the ship.
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