Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 3

This week we discussed some details about the MOBA mech game. We presented to the class a simple interface of how the mech could be customized and how each different part would affect the gameplay. This was well received but the question remained of how it was going to play? to this end Ryan made a paper prototype which involved rolling dice at the beginning of each turn to see who would go first.  This person would then move their "mech" which was customized in the areas of health, ballistic and energy resistance, mobility, and tonnage with the latter determining how many weapons each mech could equip (up to a total of 4) depending on the weight assigned to it. Each player would then get a turn and the objective was to get 5 kills. The game was very successful in my opinion although it does need some refining it was most definitely an enjoyable experience and i cant wait to go forth an make it into an actual virtual game.

We also discussed the issue of dragon song being a open world sandbox style game and it was decided that it would be a 2d game. Now how we are going to represent this 2d style remains to be seen we have some cool ideas but some research will be necessary. As for art this week i concentrated on some art for dragon song, i sketched some ideas for the main heroine as well as other iterations for the logo and some other concepts, in the end i presented a mood shot to the class:

I am starting to get more and more excited as to where this projects are heading as the ideas flow and we refine our concepts further.

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