Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 5

This week has been about brainstorming new ideas for games because we dont want to stick to just one game idea so early in the game. The team was brain storming some more on the idea of the shapeshifting objects but nothing relevant has been decided.
Justin also had ideas to make a relaxation game we look at examples such as Flower a game where the player controls the petals of flowers as they fly through the wind and leads them from flower to flower.
Pretty sweet idea and very unique but alas we could not come out with a solid design or idea to go forth with such an idea.

So far this week i have been doing research for possible weapons for the MOBA game as well as the turn based strategy game which has come back into the picture as another possible game idea.

Back to the MOBA game in a moment of revelation while researching i came across the idea that the game should be set in space, that would take the weight of some animations such as walking; it would allow us to not spend a huge amount of time on the environment as well, we could have an asteroid field as the battle zone and ships as ammo and energy depots as well as some barrels and crates spread around to populate the map, this would also add another level of interactivity to the game as players could attack from above and below. I have not discussed this idea with the team yet but i am hoping them as well as the class will give me some useful pointers to nail this art style down.

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