Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 4

Another week goes by as we move along the semester. It is now week 4 and we have seen some radical changes to our game idea. The first of which and probably most important of all is Dragon Song. 
I spent a good chunk of time this week researching art styles that would be successful. In class we had discussed how it would be better if the game was 2D instead of 3D because it would be more in scope. So i started doing some research. I came up with a couple of ideas such as a 2D platformer in which the heroine needs to explore the environment by jumping around from spot to spot.
Another art style and probably my favorite was to set the heroine in a dark world Limbo style, color code pieces of the environment that could be used as interactive objects to make music and make the heroine white as she represents hope. Once she started unlocking different parts of the song, color would start coming back to her world  to represent happiness but the color would be washed out and kinda faded because her world would never be the same after dragons ravaged her village.
Sadly after talking it out and assessing the risks we decided that it not viable for the team to go on with this idea since the gameplay is so focused around sounds. Sound presents a problem because there are very few if any sound engineers at champlain and while members of our team are taking sound design classes they are not experienced enough to make the best out of their abilities to make a game in which we need not only music but good quality and engaging sounds. 
The verdict, Dragon Song has ben scrapped form our idea books and we have moved on to new ideas and improving old ones. 
There was talk about a shapeshifting game in which the player would have a certain shape and would use different shape shifts to put it through a hole. Personally i don't know how i feel about this game, i feel like i wouldn't be challenged as an artist as much as our other game ideas. which leads me to my next point.

This week i concentrated more on research than sketches. I really like shows such as Gundam Seed, 00, etc. My favorite childhood mech show has always been Neon Genesis Evangelion, but there are many more such as the red baron and more contemporary ones such as Gurren Lagann. The stories as well as the animations were a huge draw for me but more than anything i like the characters and the robot designs.

So for the MOBA Mech ( Wow we really need a name for this thing...) game i am drawing inspiration from these shows. This week i researched different locales in which the game could take place i looked at some of the most futuristic cities in the world right now such as Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Dubai. As well as some other cities that i believe could work for the setting such as Buenos Aires, Argentina; Bogota, Colombia; Medellin, Colombia; and Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. When i was thinking about cities i thought to myself who has ever used Bogota, Medellin, or Buenos Aires as game settings? these are all cities with amazing architectural designs, skyscrapers and a booming population what better location to have an all out robot war? 

That was it for my research this week more to come on the MOBA Mech (like a name hopefully) and other ideas next week. 

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