Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mechs And Presentations

This week i concentrated on researching organics in order to draw inspiration for the mechs. I looked at different plants as well as animals and organic materials that would help me reach a decision on what the mech might look like. I personally and i think the rest of the team agrees with me on this, would like to stick to the idea of mechs that we had started with because. This whole project started since way back in the MOBA game where we decided that mechs would successful protagonists because it would be easy to explain and show how the different weapons could be tailored to fit each mech thus allowing the player to customize their own. In this sense i want to keep the idea of the mechs that i have sketched even before, however id id find some ver interesting things that will help me make these mechs look more organic without losing the style that i am going for.

On another note this week we had to present our game in 15. We only had one speaker and we didn't have that much to show in terms of gameplay because we had just barely passed stage 1 and we have been working with a paper prototype for the Q&A. The presentation was alright sadly it failed to convey our intentions to the people that hadn't heard our presentation challenge for stage 1, namely professor Manley and the other teachers from the other section that were present. For our next presentation we will strongly consider having more than one speaker so that they can take turns relaying information and have time to get their  thoughts and ideas together before they speak so that all the facets of the game can be properly described. another important thing we need ASAP is a digital prototype so we can demonstrate our game properly as well as our customization options.

As an artist I have to not only define the main characters but also keep the art direction for the environment and the GUI in order to challenge stage 2. Next week i will probably put the mech designs to the side and work on the environment which represents a big part of what the game's look and feel is going to be.  

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